Sunday, October 12, 2008

Big Soda... it's a proper noun

A Big Soda? No, no not a big drink... a Big Soda. It's a proper noun, meaning a name used for an individual person, place, or thing spelled with initial capital letters. Big Soda has history. Big Soda is not a drink. Big Soda was a place, but it was not the place. Big Soda is an ideology. It is a way of life, a community, a relationship, an investment.

The History: There was a place, a gasless gas station, in downtown Columbia, Mo that had a permanent sale on their 44 oz. fountain drinks. They were only $0.79 or $0.82 with tax, while a 32 oz. beverage was $0.89. But like I said, it wasn't about the drink. It was about the journey. You see at one time, many friends lived on the other side of town. We would travel across town to Big Soda almost everyday for 4 different and unique reasons:

1) The Physical Big Soda: when you literally needed 44 oz. of beverage. Maybe after a physical activity or a long night.
2) The Social Big Soda: the most common, just spending some time with friends, driving through town with the windows down, getting some face-time, and picking up friends along the way
3) The Emotional Big Soda: girlfriend just dump you? Need to talk? This is the one for you.
4) The Spiritual Big Soda: taking the conversation to another level

You see, Big Soda wasn't about the drink, it was about the journey. It was about taking just 5 minutes out of your busy schedule to spend with a friend, an associate, a colleague, a peer, a teammate, or maybe even a lady friend. Unfortunately, Big Soda got new management and the price on the 44 oz. drink went up to $1.09, and the Big Soda faded into legend. But the Big Soda spirit lives on, in all of us.

The first way you can change the world: find a Big Soda near you. Like I said, it's not about the drink, it's about the journey. Big Soda should only be about 5 min. from your house and preferably in a social area. Invite your friends on the journey. A few rules of Big Soda: 1) If it's your first Big Soda you don't pay, pick up the tab for a friend 2) Don't go alone 3) Explain the 4 types of Big Soda and the ideology to all new comers

Do you already have a Big Soda? Let me here about it...


patton.andy said...

When will the supercollider fix everything?

patton.andy said...

I was thinking about roads and wondering when flying cars would happen today and I asked myself "what is the next technological advance that will significantly change society?" Then I decided it was a black box question.

Anonymous said...

this is a good thing. andy patton worked hard on this banner, i was there for a good portion of his creation process & you haven't updated in awhile. this is a shame.