Saturday, October 18, 2008

String Theory, Shimng Theory... Bring On The E8 - Part I

If you do not want to read this post, then at least watch this: String Theory

To all my fellow vibrating strings of energy and the ladies in the house tonight, say Yeah! No, it's time... time to understand the symmetries of the universe and how the LHC will ideally provide a road map to the workings of the cosmos.

So this is a story all about how, my life got flipped, turned upside down, and I'd like to take a minute so just sit right there... (Fresh Prince of Bel-Air circa 1992).  Life? Upside down? Mike, what are you talking about? Well, I will tell you that our lives are upside down... multiplied  by 11. Still lost? What if I told you that the three space dimensions you see and the one time dimension you experience, weren't the end of the story? What if I told you the greatest feat of human engineering and ingenuity will hopefully show us another world... literally.

Unless you've been purposefully ignoring what's happening in Geneva, Switzerland, then you should have heard talk about a science experiment that some fear may destroy the world. No worries, it will not... I mean it hopefully WILL create a black-hole, but that will not destroy us. You may be wandering, what is all the hype about the Large Hadron Collider for? What is the LHC? What's going on? Who am I?

Ok, hold on chief... I will break this down for you. Here are some issues with Physics and the mathematics (which is simply a language to communicate in) that govern our Universe: 1) Gravity (and I'm not talking about my high school rapper friend)... that's great, but think about this, if the entire massive Earth is constantly pulling me towards it, then why is the massive Earth's gravity (which you need a rocketship to escape from) not pulling me through the couch I'm sitting on and through the floor of my apartment and through the ground beneath me? Something within the atoms that make up my couch must be stronger than gravity. What could that be? 2) Enter Quantum Mechanics... yikes! What the hell is that! Let's just say it's what happens in the world of atoms and smaller things... and in this world anything you can think of will most likely happen. Anything? Yes, anything. Particles can be in two places at once, that is "IF" you could even pinpoint that particle in space (Heinsberg Uncertainty Principle).

So what's the problem? Well if there was a problem yo I'll solve it, check out the hook while my DJ revolves it (Vanilla Ice circa 1991). The problem is that the mathematics and experiments that prove General Relativity (that is Albert Einstein's theory about gravity) and the mathematics and experiments that prove Quantum Mechanics are not compatible. Oh, Mike... who cares?!?! Well, you should care. In our Universe, there should be an explanation as to why things behave the way they do. Or in other words... A Unified Theory of Everything. 

Enter String Theory... but we will save that for a rainy day. So for the next post, we will discuss String Theory, M-Theory, the LHC, Higgs Boson, and Black Holes. In the third and final post of this series, we will have a brief recap, then go into depth of E8, and then finish off the night with a night cap and the implications and outlooks of the future of technology.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Big Soda... it's a proper noun

A Big Soda? No, no not a big drink... a Big Soda. It's a proper noun, meaning a name used for an individual person, place, or thing spelled with initial capital letters. Big Soda has history. Big Soda is not a drink. Big Soda was a place, but it was not the place. Big Soda is an ideology. It is a way of life, a community, a relationship, an investment.

The History: There was a place, a gasless gas station, in downtown Columbia, Mo that had a permanent sale on their 44 oz. fountain drinks. They were only $0.79 or $0.82 with tax, while a 32 oz. beverage was $0.89. But like I said, it wasn't about the drink. It was about the journey. You see at one time, many friends lived on the other side of town. We would travel across town to Big Soda almost everyday for 4 different and unique reasons:

1) The Physical Big Soda: when you literally needed 44 oz. of beverage. Maybe after a physical activity or a long night.
2) The Social Big Soda: the most common, just spending some time with friends, driving through town with the windows down, getting some face-time, and picking up friends along the way
3) The Emotional Big Soda: girlfriend just dump you? Need to talk? This is the one for you.
4) The Spiritual Big Soda: taking the conversation to another level

You see, Big Soda wasn't about the drink, it was about the journey. It was about taking just 5 minutes out of your busy schedule to spend with a friend, an associate, a colleague, a peer, a teammate, or maybe even a lady friend. Unfortunately, Big Soda got new management and the price on the 44 oz. drink went up to $1.09, and the Big Soda faded into legend. But the Big Soda spirit lives on, in all of us.

The first way you can change the world: find a Big Soda near you. Like I said, it's not about the drink, it's about the journey. Big Soda should only be about 5 min. from your house and preferably in a social area. Invite your friends on the journey. A few rules of Big Soda: 1) If it's your first Big Soda you don't pay, pick up the tab for a friend 2) Don't go alone 3) Explain the 4 types of Big Soda and the ideology to all new comers

Do you already have a Big Soda? Let me here about it...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The People Need To Know

A Brief Introduction:

Allow myself to introduce... myself (Austin Powers 1997)

I am a humble man.  A blue collar man.  Actually, I'm a hard workin' man.  I wear a steel hardhat, I can ride and rope, hammer and paint, do things with my hands that most men can't (Brooks & Dunn).  Sorry I got stuck on a country song there.

5 things I want you to know before you begin following this blog:
  1. I've begun my political campaign for the year 2024. I'm running for a position as state Senator. My calling card is... "The People Need To Know". What do they need to know you ask? Vote and find out.
  2. I think out loud. So 90% of what I say is not true. But you better damn well believe that other 10% will happen. (If we were in person right now and I said that, I would follow it up with a firm handshake and a wild look in my eye)
  3. This blog was not my idea. Like I said, I'm a simple man, blogs and tricks are for kids. These will be my own egotistical thoughts and I will site everything else for reference.
  4. I'm 6'1", tan, and have a good physique (please refer to #2). Which one is the 10%?
  5. I will keep my entries short, concise, humorous, frequent and full of American ego 
Please continue to read this blog if you are remotely interested in any of the following topics on this small list:
America, String Theory, General and Special Relativity, the cosmos in general, Quantum Mechanics, mathematics, science, KC Chiefs, conspiracy theories, creativity and it's applications, dinosaurs, robots, American culture, The American Millennial Generation, American policy, America in general (I seriously love America, Vote in 2024), Chipotle and Tacqueria el Rodeo, Gatorade, art as a craft and art as an ideology, mountains and how to lead in hostile environments, coffee, Albert Einstein, winning and how to be better than other people, Thanksgiving Day, Big Sodas and their ideology, BBQ, Oak Island, 3 Reasons to Become a Meat-Reducer, LOST, being a visionary in an information saturated world, THE GRID, particle accelerators, black holes, parallel universes (sorry I'm back on the cosmo track), why you should vote for me in 2024, statistics, Travel and Expeditions, women, Networking with the socially awkward and the socially adept, Chiseling your physique, Systems and how to beat them, future coming events, Things you SHOULD teach your children, the future, and finally How, Where, When, and Why YOU WILL CHANGE THE WORLD